Milk fever in new mommy
Time service: 8h:00 - 20h:00
094 373 1259
8h:00 - 20h:00

Milk fever in new mommy

Bob is 11 months - Poodle female dog. She has ever got 2 shot of combined vaccines but not ever got anti-rabies vaccine before. Today the owner saw her has signs of tremor and walk with a stiff gait. 
Mục lục (Ẩn / Hiện)
Veterinarian found that she has abnormally fast heart rate, heavy panting, walk with a stiff gait, muscle twitching and spasms, increase body temperature. Veterinarian diagnose that she has low blood calcium levels (hypocalcemia) because she is a small breed dog and given birth last 2-3 weeks.
Veterinarian decreases her body temperature and correct her blood calcium through intravenous calcium supplementation. After 3 hours she can recover and gets better. She can eat normally, does not find tremor and stiff gait. Veterinarian gives her more oral calcium supplementation for each day at home that she deserves to correct.
More information



            Hypocalcemia (Eclampsia, Puerperal tetany, Postpartum hypocalcemia) is an acute, life-threatening disease caused by low blood calcium levels (less than 7 mg/dl). Eclampsia most commonly occurs 1-3 weeks after giving birth, but it can even occur during pregnancy. Animals with milk fever lack the ability to quickly move calcium into their milk without depleting their own blood levels of this mineral.

            The signs this disorder: she will walk with a stiff gait and may even wobble or appear disoriented. Eventually, the dog may be unable to walk and her legs may become stiff or rigid. The dog may have a fever, with body temperature even over 105º F. The respiration rate will increase. At this point, death can occur if no treatment is given.

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